Bob Ingram Studio Works
365 Nantmeal rd. Nantmeal Village PA
Bob Ingram Studio Works
365 Nantmeal rd. Nantmeal Village PA
“We’ll leave the light on for you”
The saws are buzzing. The chips are flying.
The dust is blowing in the wind. We welcome
you to our website, visit early and often. Or
better yet, stop on by to see the studio and
what’s happening (please call first). Send an
email to let me know what you think and/or to
be placed on our email list to keep you up to
date on open houses and events which may
spark your interest.
thanks-cheers, Bob
“big-bi” coming to a town near you “and then there was light”.... and I’m still in the dark
The Nantmeal country house is now available for rent on airbnb
Bob Ingram 365 Nantmeal Rd. Glenmoore, PA 19343 c-215 681 4229